Although Jen's plane wasn't until mid-afternoon on Wednesday 13 April, it was hard to do too much beforehand as there was a lot of repacking and reorganisation required. I picked up the car at about 1pm with the idea of driving Jen to the airport and then working it out from there.

To make life more interesting, I've decided to go the manual gearbox route (actually, trying to get an automatic wasn't that easy). As such, my every instinct for driving is now totally invalid or wrong. I'm driving on the wrong side of the road, obeying give way rules which are the opposite of back home, in a manual, with the gearstick on the wrong side of the car and the indicator where the window wipers should be!! So it goes without saying that I've stalled the car multiple times, seldom indicate (but clean my windows a lot) and have no idea of whether or not I'm supposed to give way...